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About This Micro-Credential

A globe surrounded by many images of different cultures

Today, success in a wide variety of careers hinges on the ability to operate in globalized, multi-cultural workplaces. The Global Awareness micro-credential provides interested students with a solid foundation in international history, economics, politics and culture to advance in our global economy.

Gain a grounding in trans-national realities, identities and experiences so you can better establish productive professional and personal relationships across various cultures and geographical locations.

Learn How to Apply

Skills You Will Gain

Global Awareness

Cultural Fluency

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand historical themes, narratives and events that have defined living conditions for populations in different regions, countries and settings.
  • Identify the locations of countries, regions, ethnic groups and religious groups in global context.
  • Develop cultural and religious fluency necessary to recognize and understand core perspectives, experiences and values influential to population experiences.
  • Recognize the foundations, structures and realities created by various political systems practiced in different regions of the world today.

Required Courses

Choose three (3) of the following:

  • HIS 111 - Global Viewpoints in History
  • HIS 109 - World History Since 1500
  • GEO 100 - Global Viewpoints on Geography and the Human Landscape
  • ANT 201 - World Cultures
  • PSC 102 - Comparative Politics
  • REL 200 - World Religions and Cultures

All courses are offered both face-to-face and online, except GEO 100 and REL 200, which are offered face-to-face only



Jennifer Bachner, PhD
Dr. Jonathan Reynolds
Global Awareness, First semester offered: Spring 2020


Local: +1 (859) 572-7852